Thursday, November 21, 2013

The Third Thankful Thursday

Handprints on the Walls
I live in a house with 5 children ranging in age from five months to seven years old. <<Two of the kids are my brother and sister.>> This goes without saying, the house looks like a tornado touched down on most days. My mom and I constantly banter about which one of us cleaned what last, since, a lot that each of us do will go unnoticed. Visitors rarely see the house tidied as it takes less than an hour <<sometimes minutes>> before the kids realize it is too clean. You would never know the amount of time we spend on our hands and knees scrubbing the floors, "magic" erasing handprints from the walls, sweeping, vacuuming, bleaching toilets, picking up toys, loading and reloading the dishwasher, the piles of laundry we fold or re-fluff in the dryer, etc. These jobs aren't just invisible within the walls occupied by 9 people, it is the complaint of nearly every mother
Yet, in spite of that, I am grateful for this particular roof over my head. Chaotic as it may be, the love surpasses it. My mom and I have bonded through the messes we clean together. And dream <<aloud>> about the day Chad and I will actually move out. We end up laughing about who made what disaster and why we rather sit for three hours on a Saturday morning, drinking coffee, than pick up, listen to, or scrub anything

The truth is, the grubby little hands bless my life beyond belief. This is a memory we all share. Some day we will look back and cherish the time spent under one roof together. Not to mention, recall the miracle it was that we all survived.

By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established; through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures.
>>Psalm 24:3-4<<
I will think twice the next time I go to complain about the circumstances, because, not everyone has a place to call home, with food on the table, toys and gadgets, or so much as a family like this. I am thankful for this home and the people in it, as well as the family outside of this house that God has blessed me with.

Thank you Lord, for my home & entire family.

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