Thursday, November 14, 2013

The Second Thankful Thursday

It seems too often that we take our spouses for granted. We get so caught up in current circumstances that we soon forget the vows we shared or the intense butterflies that brought us to that point. I am guilty of it too. The love doesn't have to be such a distant memory though. If you make a conscious effort to be thankful for your spouse daily, <<even if you aren't fond of them at the moment, think back to a time you were>> over time, you will see that a new habit has been instilled. A thankful heart is a happy heart.

Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are
excellent and worthy of praise      
>>Philippians 4:8<<
The Man I Was Created For
I am thankful for the man God created me for.  It is because of Chad that I have the relationship I do with the Lord. We have been through things that should have torn us apart and a few things that have come very close. Had I not spent so much time in prayer during those exasperating seasons of growth, I wouldn't have seen the result of God's love in our marriage. I wouldn't have seen the result of God's love in me.

Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.
>>1Corinthians 13:7<<
I am grateful for Chad's heart. It is like no other that I know. He has been a pillar for me through agonizing struggles. He takes care of me, encourages my dreams, supports my desires, defends me without fail. He gives his all in everything he does, adores our children, makes sacrifices for us, puts our needs above his, and has stood by me at my worst. <<I am so thankful that he loves me through those selfish times.>> He has completely been the influence in me becoming, and always striving to be a better person.

Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude...
>>1Peter 4:8<<
Here is the man who provides for our family. His hands are rough, nails dirty, body aching, mind clustered, dead beat tired. His schedule is strenuous, and the job is taxing. His work ethic is unmatched. By the time his head hits the pillow, he has maybe been home an hour and all he requests is that I be near him. How that makes me feel, I cannot even describe. My job, as his wife is to serve him as unto the Lord. And I have found my heart happy every time I remind myself to do so. This man works too hard to have a wife take all that he does for granted.
We can never thank God enough for all the joy you give us as we rejoice in God's presence.

Thank you Lord for this man.

And thank you Bay,
For loving me the way you do. And for loving the kids beyond measure.

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