Saturday, October 26, 2013

A Golden Introduction

Today I turn 26. Making it my Golden Birthday. Though I don't have any wild and crazy plans, I thought I would take a leap here and open this new chapter in my life: Blogging.

As I reflect back, I never could have imagined where I am today. <<I realize everyone says something like this, but it doesn't make it any less true.>> Married for 6 years already, a mother of three, a photographer, writing in an online public journal. I am a creative person and I express myself through some form of art, no doubt. I have always enjoyed taking pictures and writing my thoughts, but both of these things never defined me before I became a mother. It has become the way I hear and see God. It is how I find myself and how I speak when there are no words.

I'm not your typical bookworm. I did not always have a love for books. <<This love also grew when I became a mom.>> I was never good with literature, Language Arts, or English. I was an average B-, C student. And maybe that was because I sat next to someone who read the assignments, paid attention in class or actually did their homework. Because, honestly, it wasn't always me. I was never interested in the novels school forces you to read. This may come as a shock, I may even be judged but, I have no idea what happened in To Kill A Mockingbird, Animal Farm, or Where the Red Fern Grows. Yet, over the years, I will have about three books going at a time. You will always find me reading something. Reading challenges my desire to write. And writing has always been my therapy.

I did it for me, no one else.

I don't have a wide vocabulary. I don't use big words. I'm not always grammatically correct. I make up my own words. Most things I say come out incredibly awkward, sometimes offensive. And, I am sure, a lot I say is taken out of context. Although, I have been writing in my collection of journals for well over 13yrs now. I write because God reveals things I didn't see in the heat of a moment. I keep the journals so I can always go back to those times as reminders for present and future struggles.“If I tried to recite all Your wonderful deeds, I would never come to the end of them.” Psalm 40:5 And that's why I need to keep an ongoing record, at least for what He has done in my life. If you don't take note of precious moments in a really hard time, how can you have hope when the next hard time comes along?

So why start sharing these things now? Jesus said,“Do you love Me?...Then feed my sheep.” John 21:15 So the better question becomes,WHY NOT?

God gave me this burning heart and He says it is time to share it. The Three Little Lambs represent my children, but this blog will not be all about them. More so for them. An open journal addressed to my kids. I want them to know who their mother is in hopes to show them who God is. And I want them to know that they aren't alone when it is time for them to face their own struggles. Sometimes I write better than I speak and other times, it is the only way I can fully express myself.

I want them to know that their passions, as they grow, are important to me and they should do what they love, always. 
"Pour out your heart like water before the face of the Lord. Lift your hands toward
Him for the life of your young children.”
Lamentations 2:19

“Care for the flock that God has entrusted to you.” 1 Peter 5:2

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