Friday, January 17, 2014

The Bliss of Failing

~A Quote from a Friend~

The thing about "failure' is that people don't fully grasp the gravity of the word. To be so bold as to call yourself a failure, without having truly tried at something, does the word 'failure' a disservice. To fail at something, truly fail, is to try and to fall flat and fall short.
We think of failure as a weakness, when in fact, most of us should be so lucky. Failure, true failure, is a badge of honor, my friends.
Those who would be so arrogant as to label themselves failures, when having never really tried in the first place, will never know the bliss of failing so wonderfully at something you put your all into. Rather, they will sit on the sidelines of life and chalk it all up to never being good enough. And that is a copout.
Failure is something to take pride in. Failure implies effort, and effort is passion, and without passion, we may as well not as exist.
So go forth and fail. Fail again and again, and eventually, you'll fail that much better.

Something clicked when I read this... I fail daily as a wife and mother. Most days I fail as wife because I am too busy failing at mom. I don't use the term loosely here, many mothers can relate to what I am trying to explain.

I put my all into these kids, day in and day out, when things don't go as I set them up to be, I feel like a failure. As a wife, part of my job is to be the keeper of our home. What happens when things slip through my fingers and Chad walks in the door to screaming children, catastrophic messes, and a wife in her jammies?? I feel like a complete failure. 

What I didn't realize is what I have ultimately accomplished in days like these <<what seems like very little>> the kids are still alive. Do you know what all goes into a day of keeping three kids alive? What about the mornings that I can't seem to drag myself out of bed quick enough? I never count the rough three consecutive hours I spend awake with a baby who wants to play instead of sleeping like the rest of the people in the house. I am currently running on two and a half hours of collected sleep as I type this.

It's no secret I am a struggling perfectionist and that I am coming out of a season commonly referred to as the "mom rut". I haven't been posting on my blog lately because I have been busy journaling personal goals and achievements. But I wanted to at least share some encouragement. The bliss here isn't that I fall short every day. I never live up to my own expectation as a wife and mother. However, I do not give myself enough credit either. I have reevaluated my life and routine, I have become so much more focused on what it is I do want out of myself. I dropped the expectations and let myself breathe. 

I am super mom even when I think I fail.
I am super wife when I can smile through the failure.

I wear the badge.

O Lord, You are the God of early mornings, the God of late nights, the God of the mountain peaks and the God of the sea. But, my God, my soul has horizons further away than those early mornings, deeper darkness than the nights of earth, higher peaks than any mountain peaks, greater depths than any sea in nature. You who are the God of all these, be my God. I cannot reach to the heights or to the depths; there are motives I cannot discover, dreams I cannot realize. My God, search me. 
-Oswald Chambers

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