Thursday, January 2, 2014

God is More Than a Sunday Morning

It's been a Thankful Thursday kind of day for me. Now that I have been able to take a small breath and refocus a little, I am so thankful for God's grace.

I have already announced my come back. But I also have a confession...
Given the running theme of my last two posts, this will not come as such news. So, here it goes, I have failed to make it to church more in the last few months of 2013 than in the last few years of my life. Don't judge me yet.

I try not to miss too much church. I need the fellowship, refreshing, confirmation and conviction. I love the way God speaks directly to me through someone who has no idea the cry of my heart. When I skip church, my week gets messy really fast and all my days start to blend. Imagine weeks between, now I'm really lost. That probably isn't helping the season I am in much. Interesting though, how busy I become, or the distractions that I will allow to keep me from much needed time with God.
After being absent for a consecutive month, the sermon on that first Sunday back had these points:
.We cannot expect anyone to bring Jesus to us.

.We are still responsible for Monday and Tuesday...
Funny how He does that.

How many times during those missed weeks had I needed Him? And how many times did I actually seek Him? How many times did I open the Word?
Thank God His grace is not based on my church attendance.
I really need church. I think it is a really important part of our Christian walk. But it is equally important to seek Him outside of Sunday mornings.

If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me.
>>Jeremiah 29:13<<

These seasons of avoiding Jesus are prime hunting ground for the enemy. Faith is too fragile. No matter how "strong" of a Christian, it doesn't take much to distract us long enough to forget everything we know. Ironic though that these are the circumstances chosen to test our faith!

Wherever you find Jesus, is where you should strive to be. Mine happens to be a lot at Church. Go figure. However, I know, well enough, where to find Him when I miss those precious mornings. I obviously lost track of my priorities a bit. Buuuuut, I AM working on it.

"If you wish to see the face of Jesus, you must sit at His feet."

Thank you, Lord, for your grace and provision, even through weeks <<or months>> without seeking your sweet face wholeheartedly. Thank you for your goodness while I am selfish and undeserving. Thank you for your unfailing love. Thank you for your mercy and tender forgiveness.

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