Thursday, February 20, 2014

An Antidote for the Distracted Me

I have been conflicted with what to post and when. On top of that, how much I really want to share for just anyone to read.

I have struggled for a few weeks with a couple of topics that God keeps bringing to my heart. Without much avail, there is a big blank staring back at me. I have gone back and forth with just giving up on these subjects all together. I have a plethora of unfinished posts because I cannot sit down long enough to focus. I promised myself that I would not share where I didn't feel God leading me. At the same time, share whatever I feel He is leading me, no matter what.
I have an impatient spirit.

I think that if I tell God to speak to me in all my busyness that maybe He will just hit me with some sort of sign or blinding light.

Not the case.
I see little progress. It is there, but not up to my expectation. Writing, among other things, seems to be taking forever to just get somewhere...anywhere.
God gave me the ability to multitask. And I do it pretty well until I forget that ability doesn't come from my own strength. Multitasking turns into clustered distraction. Or I like to use the term, scatterbrain >>I wouldn't need Him if I could do it all alone<<

I pray over every topic He brings to me before moving forward with it. But, let's break this down:
Multitasking, being clustered or distracted during time in prayer, does not work.

It doesn't work.
How does one quiet their mind long enough to focus on what is in front of them??

"Be still and know that I am God" *

Be still.

HOW I say. How is that possible?

"What is impossible with man is possible with Me" *

I quickly think of Shaelynn. She is five and throws a lot of tantrums when she doesn't understand something. She spins so out of control that I either have to hold her tight to keep her arms from flailing right off, or scream on the top of my lungs to get her to just hear me over her own screaming. Speaking in a quiet tone does not always work for her. It takes a long time to calm her down sometimes. One thing I say to her every time, though, is, "focus". "Focus on what you're doing, if you need to take a time out to think about it, then do that. But don't sit here and scream for me to do it for you." I feel like God does that with me. I will start flipping out about something and He is there, looking at me like a child throwing a tantrum. He won't scream over my own mind, He won't hold me down while I flail. He will let me figure it out on my own, dropping subtle hints.

He will bring something to my attention so many times that, I realize later, was ignored the first few. Then looking back, I make the entire connection. Confirmation, over and over again.
 He obviously needs me to slow down in order to hear Him. How can I when my life, even my own mind will drown out that gentle whisper?
The LORD said, "Go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the LORD, for the LORD is about to pass by." Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the LORD, but the LORD was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the LORD was not in the earthquake. After the earthquake came a fire, but the LORD was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper.
 >>1Kings 19:11-12<<



.... Consider this the prelude.
*Psalm 46:10
*Luke 18:27

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