Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The Postponement of All Her Hopes

One of the areas I have anxiety about is coming out of a certain valley in my life. I am not talking about a season, a desert, or wilderness in that valley, but the valley itself. I am talking a valley where you have found yourself asking, "Have I experienced so much for nothing? Surely it was not in vain was it?"* Not just once but maybe two, or three, or 100 times you have asked this.

I looked up the definition of valley and it said this,
-an elongated depression between uplands, hills, or mountains, an extensive, more or less flat, and relatively low region

Let that sink in. An elongated depression.

When you stay in one place for so long whether it be physically, or spiritually, it becomes so stagnant that you think God just left you there. If an opportunity arises, the first thought is "No, it couldn't be so. Surely God wants me to stay miserable and learn a new lesson from it. But is it? Could it be? Doesn't God want me to be happy?" Or how about this, the opportunity comes and you're too scared you will screw it up so you just stay put. It almost feels too good to be true.
Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.
>>Proverbs 13:12<<

Trusting that God is bigger than your fear is not an easy task. You have been let down so many times in this area that you have grown callous to the disappointment, even the slightest glimmer of hope doesn't catch your eye. Because, let's face it, "it could never happen. I am meant to stay here until I grow fruit." mmm yes, bitter fruit, I am guessing.

What happens when we don't trust God to come through once and for all? To finally snatch us out of that deep, dark valley? Will He not come to our aid even if not taken from that place? He will. He always does. So why doubt in the first place? His will for us is not to be miserable, or even stay in a place that makes us feel so. It is to give us hope. The trials are rough but He is always near to lean on. Not good enough? Go ahead and try your own way.... failed that attempt too many times. Still here. Only He knows the way to the Valley's end. And only He can take me there. Why fight that? Why wallow in a place of bitterness and pity when He brings joy and the peace of understanding. We never know what it is that we actually want. When we think we know, He has something better. Oh anxiety, how I loathe your ways.

For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
>>Jeremiah 29:11<<
But it is His will, not my own that I must seek! It is HIS plans. Not mine!

If you select your own spot to be planted, you will prove yourself to be an unproductive, empty pod. However, if you allow God to plant you, you will bear much fruit.
>>John 15:8<<

It is really, really hard when, for a second you see all you've been waiting for be that much closer, just to find out you are really that much further away.

I have always found it a bittersweet reminder "if it doesn't happen, then it wasn't meant to be". That has been one of my mottos since I can remember. It's my "it will be ok no matter what". Apparently, I forget it when it comes to my own circumstances. Sure, whenever a friend needs to hear it. Good thing I've got friends like me...yah, it was an ouch moment when I heard it come from the other end of the phone. But I agreed. Because it is true! It will not happen if it isn't meant to be! Whatever it is. And I can deal accordingly. Even when I really want something to be "meant to be".

I found this in my new favorite book,
"This further delay is not unto death, but for the glory of God."

It goes on to say,
"it is not contradiction, only postponement for the best to become possible"

If I gave up now, I would never see what He had planned to do next!

He is able to do more than we may ask or think!

*Galatians 3:4
*Hind's Feet on High Places
*Ephesians 3:20

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