Thursday, October 23, 2014

Tiny Faith and An Able God


What if we believed that the thing we've been praying for could actually happen?

What if we believed God is really for us and not against us?

Is your faith as big as a mustard seed??

Jesus told His disciples, "Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you." Luke 17:6

Sometimes, when I pray for something "miraculous", I will do so with a heart of self pity, wishful thinking or fear rather than in confidence and hope. That is not faith. That is not believing that God is able.

The truth is, God IS able. He is more than able.

Have you ever noticed that most of self pity is rooted in jealousy for what God seems to be doing in someone else's life? The disheartening issue with that is you are completely missing what He is doing in yours. The prayers are answered in ways unexpected, yet we are irritated it didn't happen the way we thought it might; furthermore, we are oblivious all together that it was even God providing. He hears our cries of desperation and He provides. Even when we are hopeless, He gives us a reason to hope. He does not ignore us. We are the ones ignoring. Ignoring how great He really is, how much He really cares- enough to provide in ways only our invidual hearts could understand. He is not only able, He is doing.

Imagine if we prayed with that attitude rather than pity? Wouldn't we be that much more aware of His abilities, His doings in our lives? Wouldn't we be so much more grateful, praying with a thankful heart? He made the plans for our lives, why do we not trust Him with them? What if we trained our minds to operate and believe what our heart knows as true? What if we stepped out of our flesh and prayed in faith? Faith even as small as a mustard seed!

If you struggle with the size of your faith when it comes to those miraculous size prayers, I encourage you to read these two (short) stories where miraculous prayers were answered and met with disbelief. click each verse for the link

>>Acts 12:1-18<<

>>Mark 9:14-24<<

Why is that so difficult for us- to expect a miracle working God to perform miracles? Is it because we don't see His love for us? Does He only love those He has performed miracles for? Newsflash, He works miracles into our lives every day; not all miracles have to be bright and shiny. You just have to be aware, you have to have a faith as big as a mustard seed to see it. Do you know how big a mustard seed is!? It only takes that desperate amount to realize He is doing miraculous things in our lives. However, to have more than that tiny spec, is the confidence in your hope for those miraculous prayers to become reality. The confidence in a Mighty God who is able to do more than you might ask or think! Ever.