Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Color With Me

"Color with me, Mom" in the sweetest demand anyone has ever heard, Jaymeson told me what he wanted. I would usually respond with something like, "Not right now, I have to do this or that". Instead, nothing sounded better. "Ok" I replied and literally stopped what I was doing to join him.

Conviction has fallen over me. I don't deserve a Mom of the Year Award. If my kids were asked, I would be scared to hear what they really thought of that idea. Sure, I am good mom. They know I take care of them because I love them. But I don't really hang out with them, like I know they crave.

My days are full of chores, changing diapers, and feeding kids, scattered with lots of, "stop doing that, pick that up, tell her you're sorry, play nice with each other, get that out of your mouth." etc.

I am too busy for my kids sometimes. In that moment, I deliberately chose not to be. The laundry and dishes can wait. The toys will be picked up, eventually. So, I spent the morning coloring with the kids. Raegann even had her own page to color. And everyone was happy.


They need me, more than just keeping the house tidy, more than the days they are sick or kissing their ouchies. They need me to actually spend time with them doing whatever they want. It is obvious, but really easy to forget at times, especially because multiple kids keep each other pretty busy!

I don't give them enough of me, and I am with them all day long! My me time only becomes so important when I struggle to have my time be mine alone. I fight so hard to find time to myself when I should really try that hard to find time with them. They are only little for so long. I obviously need to get certain things done every day. But, being a stay at home mom doesn't have to mean that I am stressed to the max trying to get those things done and juggle everything at once! Being a stay at home mom can mean exactly that. Being mom!

Moving has put us into a different schedule, anything kinda goes right now and I am figuring it out. I must say though, I have actually found myself spending more time with them. Chasing them around the house and wrestling with them is one of my best work out routines! Sure, other times, I feel lazy, lounging with them on the couch while the chores stack higher.. but I know they are getting me out of it. They are spending quality time with mom. Whether it is with one of them individually or all together, I am there. And not just doing something else while I sit with them. I definitely need to do it more. It is seriously rewarding.

There is a good saying,

Tend to My sheep
>>John 21:16<<

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Sprung into Summer Break

I have missed my blog.

Sometimes an unintended break comes along and life takes over.

So, here is a little bit of what life has been like since I last posted:

Shaelynn had surgery in April >>if you missed her story, you can read it here<< She has also been cleared from the chances of her tumor returning and the remaining health visits came to an end. She is released from further medical care. We have waited close to six years to hear that news. Praising God that she is healed.

Since then, Chad has begun a 6 month long journey to become a welder for the gas company. He should be certified come December. Our schedule changed dramatically, however, the sacrifices are worth it. I am so proud of him for taking this step to better the future for our family.


Raegann turned one.

Jaymeson turned three.
And we threw a Pow Wow for Cowboys and Indians to celebrate.

the following weekend....

We rented a van and roadtripped to New Mexico to visit with family, Shaelynn's horse 'Swiper the Fox' and enjoy the wide open, fresh air!

The hardest part during my time away from the blog was saying goodbye to Penelope. I still cry, missing her. She was my first "baby" and Shaelynn's best bud.

A few days later, we moved into our new home! Bittersweet without our beloved fur baby. It has been quite a few years since our last place as a family, Shaelynn was an only child then.

With all of this in mind, Chad and I celebrated 7 years of marriage this past weekend. Funny, looking back at the day, how different we are now, but how much more love has grown. I am so grateful for this man and the life we share.

 No doubt, we are embarking new beginnings. I hope to return to my blog with so much more to share!
God is good. All the time!